Using our price calculation tool for house washing is a breeze! Just enter the details about your home’s exterior, and in no time, you’ll receive an estimate that reflects the high-quality service we proudly offer. At Texas Pressure Washing, we're dedicated to ensuring your satisfaction, and we want you to feel confident in your choice of service.
If you have any questions or need support, our friendly team is just a phone call away. We're here to help you achieve a spotless, inviting home exterior that you’ll love sharing with family and friends. So go ahead, try our price calculation tool today and take the first step toward a beautifully refreshed home!
This table gives a rough estimate of house washing prices in Clear Lake City, TX.
House Size & Material | Vinyl Siding | Brick | Stucco | Wood |
Small Home (<1,500 sq ft) | $200 - $300 | $250 - $350 | $250 - $400 | $300 - $450 |
Medium Home (1,500-2,500 sq ft) | $300 - $450 | $350 - $500 | $400 - $550 | $450 - $600 |
Large Home (2,500-4,000 sq ft) | $450 - $650 | $500 - $700 | $550 - $800 | $600 - $900 |
Extra Large Home (4,000+ sq ft) | $650+ | $700+ | $800+ | $900+ |
Mon - Sat day: 9am to 5pm
Sun: Closed.