Using our price calculation tool is easy! Simply enter the details about your deck, and within moments, you’ll see an estimate that reflects the high-quality service we provide. At Texas Pressure Washing, we pride ourselves on our commitment to customer satisfaction, and we want you to feel confident about the service you’re choosing.
Remember, if you have any questions or need assistance, our friendly team is just a call away. We’re here to help you achieve a sparkling clean deck that you can enjoy with family and friends. So go ahead, try out our price calculation tool today and take the first step toward a refreshed outdoor space!
This table gives a rough estimate of deck cleaning prices in Channelview, TX.
Service | Price (Small Deck, <150 sq ft) | Price (Medium Deck, 150-300 sq ft) | Price (Large Deck, 300+ sq ft) |
Basic Wash (Water & Detergent) | $100 - $150 | $150 - $250 | $250 - $400 |
Soft Wash (Low Pressure) | $120 - $180 | $180 - $280 | $280 - $450 |
Pressure Washing | $130 - $200 | $200 - $300 | $300 - $500 |
Deep Cleaning (Mold & Stain Removal) | $150 - $250 | $250 - $350 | $350 - $550 |
Cleaning & Sealing | $250 - $400 | $400 - $600 | $600 - $900 |
Mon - Sat day: 9am to 5pm
Sun: Closed.